
Equipped with digital video camcorders, microphones and digital photo cameras our students were “everywhere” or everywhere other journalists were. At all important events we were there as this multimedia start page documents.

Accredited - Our student at the Ebadi press
conference.. with his video cam.

Respect for the youth

Our students were accredited by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as real world journalists. They we were present at almost all important events. All the videos and photos you can experience from this page show this.

At important press conferences with world known artists and with Shirin Ebadi the students from The Youth Paper (Ungdomsavisa) got the opportunity to ask questions and both artists and Shirin Ebadi treat the students with respect and seriousness.

Dare to share

On our server we will place photos in their original size. Some of the pictures are taken with a 6 million pixel digital SLR. Feel free to download the original pictures. If you are a student and use them in your school work, it is even better.

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